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Why does the “Double Reward” button only give me a portion of the reward?


When you click the “Double Reward” button in SkeeBoost, it doubles the prize money you earn for winning a round, but it does not double the coins you spent on the character you’re playing with. Here’s how it works:


Example: Let’s say you play with a character like “Hippie Hippo,” which costs 60 coins to use. After you win the game, you will get:


  • 60 coins back for the character (this is simply a refund of what you spent, not a prize).
  • 10 coins as your prize money for winning.


So, the total reward without doubling would be 70 coins:


  • 60 coins (refund for the character) + 10 coins (prize).


What happens when you click “Double Reward”?


When you choose to double your reward, the game doubles the prize money only, which in this case is 10 coins. So, instead of 10 coins, you will get 20 coins for your prize.


The total after doubling would be:


  • 60 coins (refund for the character) + 20 coins (double prize) = 80 coins.


In summary:


The “Double Reward” feature only applies to the prize money (10 or 20 coins), not to the coins you spent on the character. So, while your prize gets doubled, the refund for using a character remains the same.

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